Inndir Project

Que es INNDIR?
Que es INNDIR?

El Proyecto INNDIR es el Concepto Proyectual Urbanístico Multiservicios INNovador, DIferenciador y Rentable a implementar y adaptarse en tres UBICACIÓNES IDONEAS, en el Océano Atlántico, en el Océano Pacífico y en el Mar Mediterráneo, que reúne en nueve proyectos, los deseos y formas de vida que quiere un COFI (COmprador FInal), de la Nación de la Ubicación Idónea, de las Naciones Limítrofes y Naciones Distantes, para vivir, para estar bien y para rentabilizar su inversión, emocional, física y económica.


El Origen del Proyecto nace al darnos cuenta todos los profesionales que trabajamos en distintas proyectos y e diferentes disciplinas de las necesidades y deseos del COFI en los tiempos presentes y futuros, contemplando todos los cambios que se están produciendo y se producirán...


La IDEA del Proyecto, llega a representarse gráficamente en el Plano Concepto Proyectual, recogiendo todas las necesidades, requisitos, gustos e ilusiones, que nos aporta el COFI. El ESTILO y forma de VIVIR por medio del INNDIR CONCEPT TEAM, dando como resultado el INNDIR PROJECT.

EL COFI (COmprador FInal)

Es nuestro inspirador y es parte de nuestro Equipo, trabajamos e invertimos por y para el COFI. Seguimos sus deseos y su demanda, fundamentada básicamente en VIVIR, ESTAR bien y RENTABILIZAR su inversión física, emocional y económica.

Sus parámetros nos indican en que basarnos para encontrarles la Ubicación Idónea y poder adaptar e implementar su demanda por medio del Proyecto INNDIR.

Quienes Somos


Somos un equipo libre e independiente, denominado INNDIR CONCEPT TEAM, estamos unidos por la inquietud, el compromiso, la confianza, la ilusión y la inversión inicial de nuestro trabajo con la aportación de capital necesario para crear el Proyecto INNDIR lo más satisfactorio y real posible para nuestro Cliente, el COFI.

Recogemos, estudiamos y procesamos experiencias y proyectos realizados, consejos y críticas de colegas profesionales en distintas disciplinas de marketing, economía, arquitectura, comercial, ingeniería, fiscal, jurídica y financiera y opiniones de empresarios y clientes del sector inmobiliario y otros sectores de Industria para adaptar el Proyecto INNDIR a la Ubicación Idónea de la Nación Elegida.


El Proyecto INNDIR comprende nueve proyectos individuales sinérgicos. Se ha pensado en implementarlo en tres Ubicaciones Idóneas, en el Océano Atlántico, en el Océano Pacífico y en el mar Mediterráneo. INNDIR es el Proyecto adaptable, camaleónico al entorno, la historia, costumbres y clima de la Ubicación Idónea y revalorizable por el tiempo. INNDIR es el Complejo Urbanístico Residencial Turístico y Productivo inspirado para el COFI que desea y sueña con un nuevo concepto de vida para Vivir, Estar Bien y Rentabilizarlo, creado por el INNDIR CONCEPT TEAM para establecer alianzas de uso en las Tres Ubicaciones Idóneas.

Dado lo complejo que el Proyecto INNDIR pueda parecer, hemos simplificado gráficamente los nueve proyectos en una Ubicación Idónea representada en el Plano Concepto Proyectual. En el cual se contemplan todas sus proyecciones, usos, servicios y precios. Sirviendo de inspiración y modelo para encontrar la Ubicación Idónea que más se aproxime y poder implementar los nueve proyectos o los que la Ubicación o Ubicaciones nos permita, ya que si no se puede establecer totalmente en una Ubicación Idónea se contempla el implementar los proyectos en distintas Ubicaciones con servicios y ventajas para cualquier COFI de cada uno de los Proyectos por medio de identificación del COFI/CLUB INNDIR.

  • January 22, 2018 proyecto 1

    If you are reading this, you probably plan to start a small business or a side hustle very soon. And you probably have a couple ...

    If you are reading this, you probably plan to start a small business or a side hustle very soon. And you probably have a couple of questions running through your mind like: Do I really need that logo? Or Yep, I really need one. But how can I get it on a budget? This post was created to help you bring system out of confusion so you can get the best out of your business and enter the market full force. First of all, yes, you do need a logo, and it does not really matter how big or small your business is. Even if you making a craft soap and sell it to your relatives and friends, you still need a logo. If you plan to monetize an idea, you need a logo for it. Otherwise your work, your efforts, your image and your future brand belong to everyone, like grapes at a grocery store. But most importantly, the final design you come up with should be effective enough to promote your business and get you that place in the sun. Here are a few tips that will make the whole process easier and more fun. The first step to a killer logo is an idea. So start feeding your brain with new impressions and experiences. Use anything that works for you. Try hiking and gain inspiration from nature. Or visit an art gallery. Meditation, photography, action sports In a nutshell, any kind of activity that fills you up with energy and joy may help you get that revolutionary idea. It is always useful to browse the websites (or social media profiles) of your potential rivals to not only judge their logos but to practice analysis. Do you find your competitor logo effective or attractive? Try to think of the ways it helps the rival company to be profitable. Is there something you would change? Why? All of these questions can really help you to improve your own perception of your brand as well as the future marketing strategy. Find out what the strengths and weaknesses of your rivals are and benefit from that knowledge. When it comes to logo design, there are and always will be several safe choices like bold and elegant black and white logos or serif font wordmarks. But if you are striving to get that killer logo, do not be afraid to cross the line and try something rebellious. Go out there and get to know the latest design trends. For example, you may experiment with the bold colors like Ultra Violet, which is the Pantone color of the year, by the way. Or play with the typography and color gradients.

  • February 07, 2018 Proyecto 2

    Spring cleaning is not just about washing windows and clearing away cobwebs. Your design career also needs a thorough ...

    Whether you are a freelancer or an in-house designer, or at a studio or agency, you will probably have to rebrand at the and Whether you are a freelancer or an in-house designer, or at a studio or agency, you will probably have to rebrand at the and Whether yo are a freelancer or an in-house designer, or at a studio or agency, you'll probably have to rebrand at the andWhether you are a freelancer or an in-house designer, or at a studio or agency, you will probably have to rebrand at the andWhether yo are a freelancer or an in-house designer, or at a studio or agency, you will probably have to rebrand at the and.Whether you are a freelancer or an in-house designer, or at a studio or agency, you will probably have to rebrand at the and Whether you are a freelancer or an in-house designer, or at a studio or agency, you will probably have to rebrand at the andWhether youa are a freelancer or an in-house designer, or at a studio or agency.

  • April 12, 2018 Proyecto 3

    Having a solid, trusted brand is important for your company to thrive. If your target audience does not know or trust ...

    Having a solid, trusted brand is important for your company to thrive. If your target audience does not know or trust your brand, how will you ever increase your customer base and sales? Here are six innovative strategies you can use to increase brand awareness and help your business thrive. Inviting influencers into your niche is a great way to increase brand awareness and hopefully drive sales. When influencers have an established audience that knows and trusts them, once they mention your product(s) and discuss your brand in their content, those mentions will expand your reach and increase peoples awareness of your product. Ikonick is a perfect example of a company that works directly with influencers: It sells canvas art for your home and office. The way Ikonick uses influencers involves providing them with art and having those influencers pose with the art, then share the photos on social media. "Our relationships are an important part of our business," co-founder Mark Mastrandrea told me. "Our relationships make up our community, and the community is how our brand grows." Ikonick uses all types of influencers, from Instagram photographers to celebrities. The companys social strategy has enabled it to scale and grow exponentially because its influencers become part of its sales team -- even ambassadors. The relationship is mutually rewarding, Mastrandrea said. Companies can also offer to sponsor influencers at an event (if they do that sort of thing) and even use them as spokespersons for their brand and product(s). A lot of CrossFit-related companies do this, including Rogue Fitness, which sponsors certain athletes with clothing. The athlete then becomes a walking billboard for the company. Have you ever received an order that came in branded packaging? Rather than see it as just another shipment, perhaps you felt that that that special branding made the package seem like a gift. The team knows that the product experience doesn't commence at first use, but rather at the unboxing stage. How companies present their brand, and the story they tell through their design and graphics, can create an emotional connection with the customer that may last even longer than the product itself.


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